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Sydney’s Leading Flying Schools
Training and Checking Services


As per CASR rules, flight operators conducting passenger carrying operations are required to have a Training and Checking System (TCS) in place.  As per the CASA website, a training and checking system combines people, procedures, materials, tools, equipment, facilities and software to ensure that operational safety-critical personnel are proficient in the required competencies to support an operator’s air operations.

The main role of a TCS is to keep skills up to date for:

  • crew members (flight crew, cabin crew, air crew, medical transport specialists, task specialists)
  • other staff safety-critical to operations.

As part of our Part 142 Flying School AOC Authorisation, Curtis Aviation offers training and checking consulting and services, making it easy for you to comply with the current regulations. We have experience working with both Government and private organisations in implementing training and checking systems.

We can provide Training and Checking services across a wide variety of aircraft types, covering most of the general aviation fleet in Australia.  We have CASA approved standard documentation that can be rapidly adapted to suit your aircraft fleet and operations, saving you significant time and effort in creating and certifying a TCS system from scratch.

For detailed information on what’s involved or how we can help you get started, please contact us today.

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