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VH-NDW 2007 Cirrus SR20 Aircraft Profile
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If you’ve ever wondered why all the fuss about Cirrus, let us step you through why the Cirrus SR20 ticks so many boxes when it comes to comfort and performance.

Why fly a Cirrus SR20?

Our Cirrus SR20 is a four-seat aircraft designed with the comfort of cross-country pilots and discerning passengers in mind, and is the perfect dual-role aeroplane because it is

  • easily manageable for the newer pilot and
  • perfectly suitable for business use.

We have two Cirrus SR20s in our fleet, one being VH-NDW.

At the first sight of VH-NDW you’ll notice the sleek and impeccable styling which keeps delivering once you enter the aircraft.

You’ll feel the superior comfort of seats when compared to many other aircraft and it has the added luxury of airconditioning (something you definitely don’t see in all aircraft!).  Even the door opening is noticeably wider than many other small aircraft for easier and more dignified entry and exit.

But don’t just take our word for it…

“With enhanced features galore, the SR20 is faster, more sophisticated and even more luxurious than ever.” -Flying Magazine

What is it like to fly a SR20?

Think the Cirrus SR20 is just a show pony?  Let us assure you, there is substance behind the styling, with power to spare.

One of the things you’ll notice when you first jump in is the side stick giving your legs a lot of room to move.  Not only that, with the latest Garmin avionics this aircraft is an absolute joy to fly.

What else makes a SR20 special?

Many people are surprised to find out that the SR20 also lays claim to a general aviation first, being the first to successfully equip a parachute on a general aviation aeroplane in case of emergency, accident or in the event of a loss in control.  It was also the first manufactured light aircraft to feature flat panel avionics and all-composite construction.

How fast does the SR20 fly?

The SR20 has a max speed of 155 knots (287 kilometres per hour), a normal cruise speed of 155 knots, and an economy cruise of 144 knots (266 kilometres an hour).  It’s rate of climb is 920 feet per minute (280 metres per minute).

Ready to add a bit of extra comfort to your next flight or flying training?  Get in touch with the Curtis Aviation team today to find out how to get into the Cirrus SR20.

Breaking News: We have just added a new (2021) Cirrus SR22 to our fleet for flying training and Cirrus endorsements.

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