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Why are tailwheels great for learning to fly?
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Sydney’s Leading Flying Schools

Consider this.  What will make you a more skilled driver?  Learning on a manual car where you become one with the clutch and gears or learning in an automatic?

The same applies to flying. Flying a tailwheel will make a real pilot out of you by teaching you how to control, take off and land an aeroplane properly.  Tailwheels aren’t necessarily harder to fly, they just require greater concentration and attention to detail.

What you’ll find by flying a tailwheel, not only will you be a more skilled pilot, you’ll also develop higher flying standards.  That is why so many seasoned pilots will turn to a tailwheel (also known as taildraggers) to sharpen their stick and rudder skills, with many referring to the precise correction of the rudder with their feet as a “dance”.

Here’s a quote we recently spotted that says it all….

“In a tricycle-gear airplane, you’re in trouble when your feet start moving.
In a taildragger, you’re in trouble when your feet stop moving.”

– Ladies Love Taildraggers

At Curtis Aviation we use the strong and rugged ACA Citabria tailwheel as the backbone of our training fleet for those learning to fly.  Flying is done from the front seat, including solo.  During lessons your instructor will sit in the back where they have access to all flight controls.

What we’ve noticed about people learning to fly in a tailwheel is that they generally get the hang of landings faster (…and arguably better!) than their counterparts in a tricycle undercarriage.

Being a less stable aircraft is what makes a tailwheel a more challenging (and enjoyable) plane to fly, characterised by their main landing gear sitting forward with the centre of gravity behind it.  The biggest upshot of mastering a tailwheel is that you’ll have a whole new range of fun and exciting aircraft to really fly.

Want to learn to fly?

Our Recreational Pilot License page will help you get started.

Already qualified to fly and want a tailwheel endorsement?

Learn about our tailwheel endorsement training.

Did you know?…..

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